Three Tips for a Better Lifestyle

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In my book I have a chapter with ten tips for a better Lifestyle. Here are three tips to get you started.

Tip #1 Incremental Change
You do not have to make huge upheavals in your life in order to effect change. Let me give you an example from geometry. Say you need to travel 1,000 miles (or kilometers) in a straight line towards a city where there is a fantastic treasure. Either side of your destination is an alligator infested swamp. If your compass is out by just one degree (one three hundred and sixtieth of a full circle), do you know how many miles (kilometers) you would be away from the treasure once you had travelled the 1,000 miles (kilometers)? Over seventeen miles (kilometers). Plenty enough for you to be eaten by hungry alligators! Just by making a tiny incremental change (1/360th) you can radically change your destination.

The good news is that in your life you can start making incremental changes that will have hugely positive changes in your final destination. Simple examples include watching less TV, reading more, exercising more, eating healthier.

Tip #2 Never be Late
Do you know the one reason people arrive late? They leave late. What I mean is; it is not the traffic, it is not the directions, it is not the last minute phone call, it is simply that they left late. In my experience most people arrive for business appointments late.

Being late tells me a few things about people:

They don’t respect my time;
They are disorganized;
They are not someone I can rely on to keep a commitment.

Is this how you come across? If so, let it be the “you” of the past.

Tip #3 Buy Quality not Quantity
Always buy quality. This is even more important if you are on a budget. Quality feels great and looks great and it lasts. A good example is clothing. Let’s say you have a $400 budget for business shirts. It is far better to buy two $200 shirts than six $70 shirts. You will feel terrific, you will look amazing. You will notice, and others will notice. This principle is especially important if the expenses are related to your appearance, or the appearance of your business (business cards, stationery, website). But it is a principle that should extend to every area of your life.

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