Just Three

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There are a lot of suggestions and recommendations on this website. It might seem like a lot to take in and many changes to make. But there is a very simple technique for making change manageable.

You can transform your life with the principle I am about to outline. It is one of the key principles on this website.

Step #1 The Next Five Years
Think about where you want to be in five years time. Then pick just the one main area of your life that requires the most change in the next five years. Write it down, but be specific.

For example: “I want to be earning a good income working for myself.”

Step #2 Write a Goal
Write one specific five year goal for that area.

For example: “In five years time I want to be earning over $100,000 per year in my own business, never working more than 30 hours a week, doing something I love doing.”

Step #3
Make a commitment to yourself and one other person that you will complete just three small tasks every week day to achieve that goal.

Step #4 Just Three
Complete three small tasks today towards that goal.

For example:

  • Order the most popular book on Amazon written by someone successful in a similar business.
  • Google some ideas you have for the business.
  • Register a domain name.

If you do this every week day for a year you will have completed over 750 small steps towards your goal! What could stop such a person reaching their goal? Nothing!

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