Stress Free

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How you can live a stress free Lifestyle.

The full chapter on living Stress Free will transform your understanding of stress, and how you can stop most stress from even emerging.

Zero stress means better physical and mental health and more energy for a great life.

Until the middle of the 20th century the concept of stress was solely the realm of physical stress e.g. stress on a piece of steel, stress on a concrete foundation etc. Now of course we have a publishing empire devoted to human psychological stress, and it is now a job-related sickness and even a medical condition.

But if you boil down all of the research and the plethora of books, stress is essentially:

Doing something you don’t like, under pressure.

Think about it:

  • Sitting in a traffic jam when you are hot and bothered and in a hurry.
  • Working on a boring report for your boss until 3am.
  • Trying to find a way to get the 22 items on your “must do” list done by 5pm.
  • Interpersonal conflicts with close family and friends.

Of course not everything you do in a day is unpleasant. But stress is often caused by trying to fit into our day all of the activities we are really excited about, on top of those activities we have to do but are not excited about. This causes the pressure that leads to stress.

It is critical to remember it is not the volume of work that causes stress. If you are involved all day in an activity you love and are passionate about; even when you have to concentrate for hours, even if you do a 20 hour day, even if there are deadlines to meet, if you really love it you don’t get stressed. Instead you get energized. Energy comes from inside and you are likely to go into a peak state, not the opposite.

Tip #1 One Good Thing
There is only one really good thing about stress. It is a warning sign. In fact often it is the sign you need to change what you are doing or how you are doing it. Whenever you experience stress search for the root cause. Remove that rather than trying to put an elastoplast over the symptoms.

Tip #2 Pre-Plan Your Day
If you invest just a few minutes the night before or first thing in the morning planning your day and writing down what you really need to achieve, you can drastically reduce your levels of stress.

Tip #3 The Stress Secret
So what is the secret? Find something you LOVE doing, and outsource everything in your life you don’t love doing! Not sure what to outsource? Everything that regularly sits on the bottom of your “To Do” list.

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