Read Widely

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How you can use the world of books, EBooks and other reading material to gain wisdom, knowledge and critical thinking skills.

The full chapter on Reading Widely will give you strategies on how to effectively use your reading time and the multitude of resources available to you.

No matter what age and stage of life you are in, if you want to improve your lifestyle you should read widely and read often. This may mean disconnecting your television (see the TV page). But it will be one of the best things you do.

Warren Buffet (the world’s most successful investor) recommends reading material completely outside your areas of interest and area of knowledge. I agree with him. I once went to the library and deliberately took out five fiction books whose authors’ last name started with K. All but one were written by Eastern Europeans and they had a fascinating perspective I had never encountered before.

Fiction is often the richest source of unfettered creativity and new ideas. I spend most of my teens devouring fiction and I still read a lot today.

Of course reading the local and national newspapers is a good source of interest and inspiration. After all a newspaper is made up of dozens of small articles written by different journalists, editors, commentators, all with different ideas and opinions. I also recommend reading international newspapers. The internet is great for this. Also, most large bookstores generally carry a number of major international newspapers. It is critical to get a different perspective on the world than just your local one!

Self Help
I used to be reluctant to read self help and motivational books. Perhaps it was independence, perhaps it was pride. But now I devour these books. Why not learn from people who are wiser than you, or had different experiences than you?

In addition, you should always read widely in your areas of passion and interest. I have a small library of books on the areas I am really passionate about.

The Internet
Of course the internet is now the largest publishing house in the world. But therein lies a problem. There is so much information it can be difficult to find the best information. Also because it is so easy to publish online there is a lot of poor quality articles and web pages etc. The full chapter on the Internet discussed strategies for effectively utilizing the information on the Internet.

Buying a book is a great and cheap investment, so never hold back! Of course I recommend you Opt In to the launch of my book – it is well written, thoroughly researched and high quality! There are also over 100 positive book reviews.

If you are having trouble locating a good book, go to Amazon. Their range is global and almost exhaustive and their delivery service is impeccable.

Tip #1 Take a Plunge
Buy or borrow a book by an author you have never heard of in a genre you are not familiar with (although find one that is highly recommended). This will enable you to learn or experience something new.

Tip #2 Buy Buy Buy
Books are the best value education and/or entertainment money can buy. Give yourself a generous book buying budget. Your mind will thank you forever.

Tip #3 Cross Cultural
We are all guilty of being too insular and too ethnocentric. Read books and articles and blogs by people in vastly different cultures to your own. Remember there are over six billion people on the planet. Each culture has a unique ability to teach something to every other culture.

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