Weight Loss

People in the Western World have become considerably more obese over the past 25 years. This increase is partly due to more inactivity and is partly the result of consuming more calories.

A very large US survey in 2009 found that 36.6% of Americans were overweight and a further 26.5% were obese.

So why is it that although we have the knowledge and the education and the resources that people struggle to stay fit and trim?

There is a publishing empire on dieting and healthy eating. We all know what to do and how to do it (or at least we have easy access to that knowledge). Yet more than half of all American’s are overweight or obese.

Do we need another weight loss program?
Do we need another fad diet?
Do we need another healthy eating book?

Of course the answer is no.

What we actually need is a Lifestyle Change!

That is what this whole website is about. So please use these Free Resources:

1. For information on using Goals to help with Weight Loss see:


2. For how to model the Future Slender You see:


3. To overcome Mental Barriers in this area see:


4. To overcome Limiting Beliefs in this area see:


5. To find out how to be more Disciplined see:


6.To see why your Body is a Temple see:


7.For the Benefits of Exercise and a Healthy Diet see:


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