Self Improvement

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How you can radically improve yourself and therefore your Lifestyle.

The full chapter on Self Improvement will transform the way you grow and develop and succeed.

Self Improvement means becoming who you want to be, and achieving the life of your dreams.

Continual self improvement is what life is all about. If you are not growing, you are dying. This is a universal principle that applies to every living organism. It is the reason many successful people still feel dissatisfied. You cannot stop and bask in your past achievements, you always have to grow.

We have never “made it” or achieved all of our goals. We must always strive to be better human beings – achieving more at a higher level, and contributing more to make the world a better place. One of the best ways to continually improve yourself is to surround yourself with people who have already achieved what you want to achieve. Of course you can’t always have direct access to these people, but you can usually access their story, their books, and often their course material.

Tip #1 Role Models
Find seminars and CDs by successful people in areas you are passionate about. You will never regret the time you spend on them. You will generally find you become more focussed and more enthusiastic about the things you are aiming for.

Tip #2 Read Hugely and Wisely
Read as much as you can. Read positive uplifting biographies, autobiographies and self help books. Reading these kinds of books gives you motivation and enthusiasm for your project or ideas.

Tip #3 Eliminate the Negative
Think about the areas of your life that bring you down or are a negative influence. What do you allow into your life that takes energy and enthusiasm away from you? Pick the three worst culprits and remove them from your life.

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