Before You Die Read This

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If you intend to live life abundantly and achieve your Perfect Lifestyle you definitely do not want to have regrets at the end of your life. But the unfortunate fact is many people at the end of their life have serious regrets about what they did, and in some cases more importantly what they did not do. The purpose of this section is to learn from people who have end of life regrets, to ensure we do not make the same mistakes and have the same regrets.

People often ask:

What is the end of life?

What is at the end of life?

What is end of life?

What is the end of my life?

How can I live without regret in life?

What are the biggest regrets in life?

What is life regret?

Researchers who have studied and interviewed people at the end of their life report eight common regrets:

1. Did not take a leap of faith.

2. Did not have the courage to live a life true to myself.

3. Worked too hard.

4. Did not have the courage to express how I really felt.

5. Did not say what I needed to say.

6. Did not forgive.

7. Did not stay in touch with friends.

8. Did not let myself be happier.

Tip #1 Learn
Make sure you learn these invaluable lessons NOW before you reach that stage of life. Don’t make the same mistakes.

Tip #2 Identify
Identify areas of your life where you have already made these mistakes or have these regrets. Put them right today. Pick up the phone, write a letter, or send an email – whatever you need to do.

Tip #3 Make a Plan
Make a plan to ensure you don’t fall into these regrets during your life. Ensure that the dream Lifestyle you visualize includes learning from the people who have made these mistakes so you don’t have to.

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