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Why getting the right amount of Sleep is critical for your health and wealth.

The full chapter on Sleep will show you how to ensure you sleep adequately and never need to be “sick and tired of being tired and sick”.

The right amount of Sleep means more energy, better health, more wealth and longer life.

Fifty years ago people in the West slept an average of nine hours a night. Fifteen years ago we slept eight hours a night. But now we average seven hours of sleep a night.

A 2001 poll taken by the American National Sleep Foundation (NSF) reported that 63 percent of American adults did not receive the recommended eight hours of sleep necessary for good health, safety and optimum performance.

Sleep deprivation causes the following:

  • Fatigue;
  • Poor Health;
  • Poor Wealth.

Having a good sleep:

  • Boosts your immune system;
  • Gives you a better chance of a long life.

Tip #1 The Research
The research recommends we have an average of eight hours sleep every night. Clearly everyone is different and we all have slightly different sleep needs. But if you do not get the sleep you need you become sleep-deprived.

Tip #2 The Evening
The evening before is usually what dictates how much sleep you have. Channel flicking TV, late movies, late catch-ups with friends and so on can cause you to lose valuable sleep time. Schedule activities around a pre-determined bed time.

Tip #3 Caffeine
Caffeine stays in your system much longer than the kick it gives you. It often causes you to sleep lightly rather than deeply. Sometimes it causes insomnia. Seriously consider eliminating or seriously reducing your caffeine intake if you get tired during the day or exhausted in the evening.

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