The Best Game in the World

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Why Trading the financial markets is one of the most exciting home based business opportunities.

The full chapter on Trading will show you how to get started and how to avoid the most common pitfalls.

Learning to be a successful trader means incredible lifestyle and income opportunities.

I am including this page for two reasons. First, because a lot of people first heard about me through the media coverage of my trading lifestyle, and second because it is one of the five ways in which I earn the money that has enabled me to live a wonderful lifestyle.

I have experienced a large number of employment and business situations. I have read accounts of dozens of others. Of all of these there is one and only one that is pure. By pure I mean at the end of the day there is no doubt about the result of your efforts. In fact the result stares at you in black and white.

There are no employers to tell you how to do it. There are no employees to train and supervise.

There are no overheads. There are no excuses. There is just you, your decision making and the result.

There is no advertising, no answering the phone, no customers, no inventory, no database, no marketing, no cold-calling, no bad debts, no set hours, no set schedule. Just you, your decisions and the result.

Even better, you are playing a giant game with players all over the world. When you get good enough to win regularly you get paid – a lot!

And it gets even better. The game is so vast and covers so many possibilities you can choose which sub-game you want to play. So you can choose a part of it that fits with your personality, with your strengths, with your sleep patterns, with your timeframes and your thresholds, using strategies that suit you. While there are some basic rules of play, you can develop entirely your own personal rules to win the game!

It’s the purest game of all and you can make a living or a fortune playing it.

What is the name of this game?


Here is a list of some of the markets you can trade:

  • Currencies.
  • Equities (stocks).
  • Bonds.
  • Interest Rates.
  • Agricultural Commodities for example coffee, wheat, beef.
  • Metals for example copper, iron.
  • Precious Metals for example gold, platinum.
  • Indices (indexes) which measure a group of products for example a stock index, or a commodity index.

Here is a list of some of the ways you can trade these:

  • Outright purchase or sale.
  • On margin (you put up a small amount of money to be able to trade with a much larger amount).
  • Via futures.
  • Via options (many different types).

Here is a list of the timeframes you can use:

  • Intraday (getting in and out within one day).
  • A few days.
  • A number of weeks.
  • A number of months.
  • A number of years.

You can use a combination of any of the above depending on your personality and your circumstances.

Just like any game, the greater your level of skills and experience, the better you will do.
Trading is a wonderful way to supplement your income and it fits into just about any lifestyle. If you have a computer, the internet, a phone and access to a minimum of a few thousand dollars you can start trading.

I have been trading foreign currencies and commodities part time since 1990. I have been “full time” since the start of 2007.

To help you not to make all of the mistakes I have made, here are my trading rules which I explain in detail in another of my EBooks “Creating The Perfect Trade” (to register for the launch of this EBook go to

1. Find a Great Broker and/or a brilliant trading platform.
2. Never risk more than you can stand losing.
3. Never try to pick a top or a bottom in any market.
4. Trade with the market’s momentum.
5. You never buy at the low or sell at the high.
6. Always use a stop loss order to limit your risk.
7. Aim for a profit ratio of 3:1 or greater.
8. Cut your losses but let your gains run.
9. Never, ever, under any circumstances add to a losing position – not ever.
10. Set a profit goal for the year.
11. Never trade a market you don’t understand.
12. Use primarily technical (not fundamental analysis) when making decisions.
13. Trade Small.
14. Persevere.

Although I have been trading part time since 1990, I decided to trade “full time” (nowhere near 40 hours per week, but as my main income source) from 1 January 2007. In the three years 2007, 2008 and 2009 I achieved an annual average return on my funds of 108.74% per year. As a comparison the S&P500 average gain over this period was -8.06%. Although to be fair the average annual return of the S&P500 over the last 20 years has been 9.95%.

I detail how I achieved these returns, and the many lessons I learned, in my Ebook “Creating The Perfect Trade”.

To find out more, please visit my trading website:

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