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Why it is so important and energizing to find and pursue our Purpose in life.

The full chapter on Purpose will challenge you to achieve the goals that are aligned with your purpose.

When your goals and aspirations and dreams are aligned with your true Purpose, you become an unstoppable force for good in the world.

If you really want to achieve something spectacular in your life you have to have a “purpose” and a “why”. If you don’t have a purpose to your life you won’t have what it takes to tackle the obstacles life puts in your way.

You need to know why you are doing what you are doing. When you know why, you have reserves of energy and passion others don’t have.

Every person who has achieved great things had a purpose and a why. Mother Teresa’s purpose was to show the love of Jesus to the poor. Martin Luther King’s purpose was to challenge racism and fight for civil rights. Nelson Mandela’s purpose was to stop apartheid, show forgiveness and lead in humility.

You may not have realized your purpose yet, but you need to find it.

To a certain extent you can choose your purpose. But if you really want to achieve something significant with your life, make sure the purpose you choose is one that is worthy of your life-time devotion. If your purpose is to have the best garden in your street, or to get rich or build the coolest hotrod, you might achieve your aim, but waste your potential. You might aim even higher and still miss your purpose in life.

It is my personal belief that every person has a purpose for being on earth, and that purpose involves having a lasting impact in making the world a better place. It is often easier and more comfortable to ignore your primary purpose and settle for a secondary purpose. Mother Teresa was a school teacher. She could have stayed as a school teacher her whole life and done a great job. But this was not her primary focus and she would have missed out and the world would be worse off if she had decided to stay being a teacher.

If you don’t know what your purpose is, my advice is to think about the things in the world that really upset you or annoy you or make you mad – things you would like to see changed. Not all of those things will be your purpose but one of them might be.

Tip #1 Find Your Purpose
Find your purpose and make sure it’s a purpose worth devoting your life to. Start by gravitating to what moves you and what you want to change in the world. Ignore purposes that are shallow and do not make the world a better place. They are not your purpose, they are your vanities!

Tip # 2 Explore Your Purpose
Even if you are not sure of your exact purpose, start to explore those areas you identified above. As you do that you will find that you naturally gravitate more and more towards your true purpose. You will meet like minded people and doors will open for you.

Tip # 3 Prioritize Your Purpose
The world is full of people who missed their purpose and their calling simply because they did not make it a priority. Too often a comfortable life beckons, or the vanities of life look too tempting. Remind yourself that the great achievers in our history prioritized their purpose and did not turn aside from it.

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