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How you can use your Time effectively to improve your Lifestyle.

The full chapter on Time will show you how to get the most out of every day.

Time is your most valuable possession. More time means more fun, more recreation, more money and more options.

Everything you own now will either be rust or dust or be owned by someone else in 100 years time.

Think about that! Therefore you don’t actually “own” anything; in effect you are leasing it. The one thing you do actually “own” is your time. Time is the most precious commodity you have. Unfortunately it is a diminishing resource so you must use it wisely.

How you spend your day is your business. But you don’t want to get to the end of your life and look back on thousands of wasted hours.

The worst ways you can waste time in your day:

1.Not planning it.
2.By letting other people waste your day.
3.By poor use of “Stress Relief” or “Leisure Time”.
4.Watching more than a couple of hours of TV a week.
5.Sleeping more than you need to.

Tip #1 Plan Every Day
Start every day with a blank piece of paper and write the day of the week at the top. First write every appointment for the day. Second write down what you plan to achieve for the day, in order of priority. This simple exercise will add a huge amount of time to your day.

Tip #2 Think Ahead
If you know you might have to wait for a bus or an appointment, take a good book with you. If you know you will have an hour in town between appointments make a list of the people you need to buy birthday or Christmas presents for.

Tip #3 Sunday Night
Just before you go to sleep on Sunday night, write out a brief Monday to Friday plan and list everything you hope to achieve for the week. Imagine yourself successfully achieving everything you have on your list. This has the effect of programming your mind to expect your goals to be achieved. Also, research shows that what you think about just before you go to sleep is reviewed and analyzed multiple times while you are asleep. You are likely to wake up with clarity and direction for your week, and possibly solutions to any challenges you have foreseen.

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