Who is Oli Hille?

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You’ve probably never heard of me, but that is good. Why? Because I am just a regular guy. I am just like you except I decided to find out how to plan and achieve the dream - a great life and a wonderful lifestyle.

But it wasn’t always this way…

In my late twenties I was working hard at my day job, plus doing private work outside my job. I was also building up a real estate portfolio so I was busy all week long. To fit everything in I had to get by on six hours sleep a night. After a year of this I felt my stress levels rising. I got so stressed that sometimes when I went to bed at night I honestly wondered whether I would wake up in the morning, or die in my sleep. I got sick often and enjoyed life less and less. I remember one day I got a letter from my mother. I was too stressed to even read it, and I love my mom – how twisted is that!

I finally went to the doctor who asked me about my life. After listening for a while he told me I had to make radical changes or I would get really sick. This was a massive wake up call for me. Soon after I woke up one morning and I had a revelation:

Life is not about working your butt off for someone else, getting stressed, getting anxious, and squeezing what you really want to do into the time you have left at the end of the day. No! Life is actually about LIFESTYLE.

Your story might be similar. Perhaps you have worked too hard, put your emphasis on the wrong priorities, struggled to get ahead, thought that in order to have a great life you have to sacrifice now and work, work, work.

I've navigated through those tough years, and I’ve learned the lessons. I've also studied people who have been ultra-successful in life. I have interviewed people who have achieved extraordinary success. I have researched the lives of people who enjoy life to the full, and I found the universal principles. I used my degree in Psychology to research and understand what makes people happy and successful and balanced.

In the last few years I have successfully set goals, made plans and achieved a fantastic lifestyle. One thing I am sure of - you can achieve the lifestyle of your dreams.

For the last few years I have worked around 20 hours a week. I love the work I do and I look forward to going to my office. I work around my family’s needs which come first.

I earn money in five ways that perfectly suit the way I want to live:

  • Semi-passive rental income from real estate;
  • Semi-passive income from internet based business;
  • Passive income from investments;
  • Trading the financial markets;
  • Writing.

Because of the way I work, I have a lot of time in my “business week”. I use this time to do a lot of things I enjoy:

1. Exercise.
2. Prayer.
3. Catching up with friends.
4. Meeting new people.
5. Writing.
6. Reading.
7. Exploring new business opportunities.
8. Taking additional time for my family.

I also spend time every week doing work for two charities, one international and one local. I also teach Bible in Schools for an hour and a half a week at a local school. I regularly mentor people.

I take time out of my “business week” for my family. In the last five years I have missed only two of my children’s sporting or cultural events (out of dozens). Both times I was overseas. I take days off to take my kids fishing. I take mornings off to be “Dad helper” with my kids school activities. I go to school assemblies to video my kids if they are performing or getting a prize.

From 1999 to 2009 I took nine weeks vacation with my family every year. In 2005 and again in 2009 I took two full months off for family vacations in Europe.

I estimate I would feel stress perhaps three or four days in a year.

There are very few things in my life I don’t look forward to. Each new day brings interest, fun, fulfillment, challenge and enjoyment.

I’m not interested in making lots of money as such (except I have big goals in relation to the amount I want to give away). What I am really interested in is creating a lifestyle that gives me the time and energy to give to the most important things in my life.

The whole point of this website and my book is to show you how YOU can achieve the Lifestyle of your dreams.

I am just a regular guy and I have done it – and so will you!

Media Articles on My Lifestyle

1. Nationally Syndicated Newspaper Article on My Lifestyle:


2. Newspaper Article on my Book Launch:


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